Nicolette's Notebook

How creativity seems to colour every day of my life

My friendly garden Robin...

Sunday 27th March 2011

For SOOC Sunday this week... 

This is one of our friendly garden robins...

We are so very fond of these chirpy inquisitive little birds...

During the winter we usually have at least 5 robins feeding at the bird table and our resident robin spends much time chasing other robins.  I think that our resident robin usually raises a healthy brood of young robins and they are the ones who we feed all winter and then by Spring our Robin expects the others to leave home and find somewhere new...

This one followed me around... 
while I was taking photos in the garden of the newly coming out magnolia blossoms...  

The robins have such a beautiful song and I really enjoy seeing them...
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Great shots of Mr Robin. I also love to hear their song..its tells you spring is here!


Wonderful shots of the robin. I especially love the bottom one. We had so many robins in our fields yesterday, I had never seen so many at one time. Makes me wonder if they were migrating North.


What beautiful pictures!


These are great shots. It's great that they aren't afraid of you.


thats a nice experience. :) And you got good shots too.


Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my Crocus! I love these cute robins and do not find our North American robins nearly as charming!


Beautiful photos! Love the last one!


those are adorable shots! Very nice Mr robin indeed!


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