Nicolette's Notebook

How creativity seems to colour every day of my life

Tiggy off for his walk...

1 December 2010

This is my mum's beautiful cat, Tiggy... He is 15, I don't know how the time goes by so quickly...

I thought he would be a good subject for trying out the new 70-300 mm Sigma lens for the Nikon D3000...

One thing I noticed with this lens is that it shows up ever bit of my hand shake...

causing many blurry photographs like the one above...

I think to achieve truly sharp images I would need to use a tripod... hmm... must look at tripods on Amazon... a tripod would be useful for taking landscape photographs with the lens but I am not convinced that Tiggy would have stuck about for me to set up a tripod...

He headed purposefully along the top of the fence...

Heading for the garage roof... followed by his access to the woodland at the end of the back garden...

Tiggy walks with a limp in his hind leg due to being shot with a pellet gun about 6 years ago... the vet wasn't able to remove the pieces which broke in half when they hit his bone but were too close to internal organs to remove safely... it never ceases to shock me how many people think it okay to be cruel to cats...


The close up of his face is gorgeous; I love the different colours in his eyes.


Tiggy is quite a character....beautiful Kitty..Thanks for sharing his adventure...


Hi Nikita
He is a character, when he was a bit younger he used to regularly walk the half mile or so between my house and my mum's house, only he took the route through the trees and across a field and along a lane via Cavehill Country Park and it took him about 4 hours... He always has had a wandering spirit...


Oh my...and he did not get lost?......He is " tres unique au monde" indeed !


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